Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 561

Chapter 561


Chapter 561: Power Outage

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Moments before, Su Shen had released her from his embrace, leaving her in a state of euphoria that she had never anticipated. His kis had been so passionate, so intense, that she found herself questioning if this was the same reserved, aloof man she had known.

Had she not witnessed his transformation from an inexperienced kiser to a mature lover, she would have found it hard to believe that this man had not been sxually active before. His progress was astonishingly rapid.

A gust of night wind swept through, dispersing the last remnants of their romantic encounter. Gu Zi handed him a paper bag and saw him out. By the time Su Shen arrived at the pig farm, two pigs had already been slaughtered.

The boss had arrived late that night, a fact that did not go unnoticed. After exchanging greetings with Su Shen, one of the workers whispered something into Jin Longs ear. A knowing smile spread across their faces. They all understood why the boss had been late  his wife had been taking good care of him, and it seemed to be working wonders.

As Su Shen strode through the hall and pushed open the office door, Jin Long followed him in, grinning and gossiping, Youve been less enthusiastic about work lately, Brother Shen.

Su Shen ignored him, sitting down at his desk and reaching for his tools, ready to go out and conduct some tests. However, as he opened the drawer, the room plunged into darkness. Jin Longs voice echoed through the room, Who turned off the power? Were working here. If youre still sleepy, go home and sleep!

From outside, the sound of hurried footsteps approached, followed by a shout, Jin Long, the power didnt go out, its a blackout!

The pig slaughter area was filled with a cacophony of noises  the workers discussions, the squeals of the pigs about to be slaughtered. But these pigs were lucky. With the power out, they wouldnt be killed tonight.

However, this was a crisis for the pig farm. If they couldnt slaughter the pigs tonight, they wouldnt be able to supply the market the next day, which would result in significant losses. It was a case of one mans joy being another mans sorrow.

Su Shen and Jin Long quickly went outside, where the workers informed them, We just checked outside. The whole village is without power. Our circuit breaker is fine, its just a blackout.

This area, like other villages, had always had an unstable power supply. But ever since Su Shen had set up the pig farm in Daqing Village, the power supply in the area had become more stable. They hadnt had to worry about power outages for a long time. But why had there been a sudden blackout tonight?

Jin Long was puzzled and slightly irritated. Su Shen, however, remained calm. He returned to his office, picked up his car keys, and walked out, carrying a paper bag in his left hand. He told Jin Long, Come with me to the city now. Well go to the power supply bureau first thing in the morning. Everyone else can go home and sleep.

Jin Long slapped his forehead, Right, the most important thing now is to get the power back on!

The damage for tomorrow was inevitable, but as long as the power was restored, they could avoid further losses. Then they could slowly figure out the cause of the blackout. Su Shen was indeed a capable boss.

As Su Shen walked out, Jin Long followed, pulling out his motion sickness pills from his pocket and popping one into his mouth like a candy. He muttered, Good thing I brought these. But compared to the losses caused by the blackout, throwing up is nothing. Its less painful.

Although he wasnt stingy, he was still saving up to get married. The losses were all hard-earned money. Even though he wasnt the boss of the pig farm, he still had a stake in it, and he was feeling the pinch.

Su Shen started the engine, and the car moved through the endless darkness, becoming the only source of light apart from the moon. The dazzling light stopped outside the Su familys house, where people were gathered, discussing the blackout.

Aunt Zhang called out, Gu Zi is probably asleep. Ive been calling for a while, but theres no answer. You came back to check on her, Su Shen. Youre so considerate. But thats how it should be. Gu Zi grew up in the city, shes probably never experienced a blackout before!

She had noticed the blackout and had immediately lit a kerosene lamp to find Gu Zi, fearing that she might be scared.

Su Shen stood by the car, holding a flashlight, and said, Thank you, Aunt Zhang, for thinking of her. Ill go up and check on her, just to be sure.

Aunt Zhang held the kerosene lamp, its dim yellow light illuminating her face. Her simple smile was filled with the joy of seeing others happy. She said to Jin Long, who had gotten out of the car for some fresh air, No wonder Su Shen was able to find a good girl like Gu Zi. Hes such a good man!

